ActionAid Bangladesh

Evaluation study of REFLECT in Bangladesh

It has been recognised that education is a powerful way of fighting poverty, and an empowering process, particularly with regards to the most marginalized groups of people such as poor women and girls. As a result, in Bangladesh, a literacy project is underway, with participants being poor women and girls. It is an ActionAid project, using the Reflect approach, which draws on the Freirean philosophy and facilitates a participatory learning process aiming to empower and promote social change.

Report on the Rapid Rural Appraisal of Kawner Char, Islampur Upozilla, Jamalpur District

This document presents the results of a training workshop in RRA, by ActionAid Bangladesh. The report presents background information on the locality and its inhabitants, social and economic characteristics, agricultural practices, natural resources, and social infrastructure etc., paying attention to gender differences. The visual results of ranking, mapping, matrices, listing, transect and historical trend analysis exercises are included. The overall conclusion of the exercise is that improving access to money can raise the quality of life.