Kabutha, C.

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Mbusyani Sublocation Case Study

This report presents the results of a PRA focusing on natural resources management in Kenya. It contains descriptions of historical background on the locality, natural resources, water and soil conservation, agricultural practices, discussions of key social issues and infrastructure (health and education) and analysis of institutions and local leadership. Problems and opportunities are identified, and a village resource management plan was devised. Action by the community and other actors as a result of the PRA is discussed, and some problems in implementation are noted.

Participatory Rural Appraisal: An Innovative Methodology for Effective Community Development

This report concerns the use of PRA methods in participatory natural resources management in Kenya. The aim of the study was to learn whether a team consisting of national level staff, a foreign representative, and community leaders could gather data, define problems, rank solutions and devise an integrated village plan for natural resources management with substantial community participation. The bulk of the report consists of discussion of the PRA process, and descriptions of the use of various PRA methods and the results.

Participatory rural appraisal: a case study from Kenya

This chapter describes the application of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) methodology to a community development initiative in Mbusyani sublocation, Kenya in 1988. The purpose of the study was to learn whether a multi-disciplinery team consisting of government officers, researchers, technical officers and community leaders could gather data, define problems, rank solutions and devise an integrated village plan for natural resources management in a relatively short time period, with substantial community participation.

Sustaining Development Through Community Mobilization: a Case Study of Participatory Rural Appraisal in the Gambia

ActionAid, a British NGO, carried out PRAs in Dingiraay and Ndawen in The Gambia, with the aim of creating a "community action plan". This report describes the process in Dingiraay, from introducing the concept of PRA to the community through leaflets and opening ceremony to conducting the activities, analysing the data, deciding options and working out the final plan. PRA activities were introduced in "sets": spatial (village sketch map, transect), temporal (time line, trend line, seasonal calendar) and institutional (inventory and ranking).

Review of Selected Manuals on Participation

The purpose of the paper is to highlight what aspects of PRA have been covered in manuals and identify gaps. Each review covers the target group, content and tools/ techniques. The potential application of each manual has also been considered. The language style is indicated - whether the text is simple, user frendly or complex and scientific. Comments on the manual are included which illustrate the emphasises placed on different aspects, and strengths and weaknesses of the manual.