The elusive poor: a wealth of ways to find them.

Publication year: 

This is a compendium of papers presented at IDS/IIED seminar on 'Wealth and Well-Being Ranking'. It draws on various attempts to implement a wealth ranking exercise, given in the form of presentations, which include: B. Grandin, and the 'Background to wealth ranking'; Marie-Therese Sarch, 'The Adoption of New Agricultural Technology in The Gambia'; Verona Groverman, and the ' People's Participation Programme', Swaziland; Ian Scoones, looking at 'Wealth Ranking in Zimbabwe'; and Pramesh Shah's report on 'AKRSP (India), Gujarat, among others. Most comments and questions focused on definitions, applicability and sensitivity. The last section looks at the questions left unanswered, and is concerned with what happens over a longer time period, whether wealth ranking can be implemented over a wider area, and notes the difficulty experienced with regard to passing wealth ranking ideas on to community facilitators.

Interest groups: 
Economists and researchers; project and community level workers; and fieldworkers.
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
RRA Notes
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK

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A : RRA notes 46
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00