Publication year:
The status of local agricultural knowledge in relation to the formal scientific, institutionalised agricultural knowledge of the research and extension services in southern Amazonia is analysed through detailed case study of the experience of the Mynky Indians of Mato-Grosso, Brazil. In this case study, the internal dynamic of the agricultural knowledge systems and practices of the Mynky Indians is examined in relation to other rural inhabitants of Amazonia, church as well as state. It discusses land-use systems and agriculture, Mynky social structure and the historical interaction between the Mynky and the development process. Finally, the paper looks at rural people's knowledge versus theoretical basis of scientific rationality.
Interest groups:
Those working at the community level, both agriculturalists and researchers, as well as fieldworkers.
pp. 1-21
Rural People's Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice. The Latin America Papers.
Publisher reference:
IIED Sustainable Agriculture Programme