La partipación en el Programa Chile-Barrio: evaluación en curso y propuestas de mejoramiento

Publication year: 

Recent efforts by the Chilean government to promote civic education are seen to have contributed to social exclusion of the poorest people of the population. This paper was developed as part of a thesis, and evaluates the participatory model developed and implemented by the Chilean government. It attempts to determine the failures and possible areas for improvement by considering: who benefits, what is being offered and how, and what role should the beneficiaries play?
An analysis of over 100 communities was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the participation of the poorest people is possible given certain geographical and social conditions, local opportunities of the communities, and wider responses to community demands and political goals.
The following findings emerged and are put forward as considerations for improving project efficiency:
" Interventions are more successful in areas where inhabitants have secure land rights, and where basic services are present or are quickly provided;
" Larger communities tend to be more successful;
" Diversification and an increase in the programme's scope will attract poorer groups.

Source publication information
Thesis for Direcci¾n Ejecutiva, Programa Chile-Barrio and the Istituto Universitario do Archetettura di Venezia, Scuola di Specializzazione in Pianficazione Urbana e Regional applicata ai Paesi in Via di Sviluppo, IUAV, Venice
31 p.
Available at IDS for reference
Associazione Italiana di Valutazione, 4th National Evaluation Congress
Conference Location: 
Bari, Italy, 5-7 April 2001

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Post date: 02/04/2010 - 00:00