A participatory appraisal and preliminary needs assessment in two copperbelt informal settlements

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This research into urban poverty in Zambia was conducted using 'participatory urban assessment', as part of a Copperbelt Urban Livelihoods Project. The rationale and the approach used are discussed in the first section, before looking in greater detail at the specific activities and tools. The bulk of the report is a presentation of the findings of participatory appraisals in two compounds. These are intended as case studies, and will be used as the basis for project proposals. The findings are given in detail, with many diagrams drawn by people from the compounds reproduced. Time lines examine the history of the compounds, seasonal calendars deal with agricultural production and there are mapping and matrices. The final part of each study is wealth ranking, which leads on to detailed case studies of members of the different community groupings identified and their different coping mechanisms and potential strategies.

Interest groups: 
Practitioners of PRA and those with a specific interest in Zambia will find this interesting
CARE Zambia
Care Zambia, PO Box 36238, Lusaka, Zambia
Publisher reference: 
CARE Zambia

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D : Poverty : Studies of poverty using participatory methods 1150
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00